Divorces can be messy. Unfortunately, all too often one spouse can be completely shocked by the process as well as the behavior that can come from the other partner.
From going over financial information to dividing assets, there is a lot to consider. There are, however, ways you can protect yourself during a divorce, and more importantly, ways you can ensure your best interests are kept in mind during the process.
Protecting Your Finances In A Divorce
Finances are one of the biggest hassles to divide and conquer in a divorce. You may be proactive about your finances during your marriage, but that shouldn’t stop just because you are getting divorced. In fact, you should be more proactive.
Take a look at banking statements, credit cards, and decide who owns and owes what. If you have joint debts, come up with a plan for paying those off and decide how savings and investments will be split.
Consider Both Short AND Long Term
Do not rely on alimony and child support for stability. Staying financially dependent on an ex-spouse can put you in a bad position.
Instead, create a divorce settlement that takes care of long-term plans—including children going off to college—and a plan that doesn’t leave you relying on child support and alimony payments each month.
Don’t Slander
You may have a severe distaste for your former partner, as well as have plenty of negative things to say, but refrain from this as much as possible. Not only are you giving your ex material to use against you in court, but you could also hurt any children involved in the divorce, too.
Instead, keep quiet, keep feelings to yourself, and don’t share anything you shouldn’t. If you’re worried about your ex doing the same, discuss a confidentiality agreement with your attorney to prevent your ex from using anything against you or repeating information he or she shouldn’t.
Be Proactive about Taxes
Do not leave the responsibility of filing taxes to your ex-spouse. Instead, communicate how you will file taxes and make that part of the divorce settlement.
Doing this will help to prevent any disputes, late filings or losing your right to claim your rightful dependents.
Hire a Divorce Attorney
Having the law on your side is the best way to protect yourself during a divorce. Even a seemingly amicable divorce can have hidden issues, leaving you with regrets after everything is said and done.
By hiring an attorney, you can protect your financial future, plan for the long-term, and make sure you get a fair settlement.
Contact Divorce Lawyer in Miami at the Law Offices of Aliette Hernandez Carolan, P.A. today for a no-obligation consultation regarding your divorce.
Our attorneys will work with you to ensure your best interests are protected. Call us today at 305-358-2330.