Today, the family dynamic can no longer be defined as a heterosexual (male and female) couple and biological children created and birthed by both heterosexual parents.
The “traditional” family dynamic can no longer be defined. Families today consist of heterosexual and homosexual parents, adopted children, biological children, and even stepchildren, and sometimes even a mix of all of the above.
While today’s family dynamic is much more diverse, which can be a beautiful thing, it can also stir up some legal issues. Working with a trusted and reputable family law attorney in the state of Florida can help.
Legal issues surrounding family law can be difficult, especially in the situations surrounding marriage and divorce as well as a combination of all three.
Often times when a couple decides to marry, and there are children in existence, the new partner may want to adopt the child of his or her spouse.
In order for this to happen legally in the state of Florida, one parent needs to give up his or her right to the child willfully, must be proven to be an unfit parent due to physical or substance abuse or other similar situation, or be deceased.
Marriage with Children.
In the event of a divorce, the adopted child is still the legal dependent of both spouses on a joint or partial physical and legal custody basis.
However, the spouse that may have partial custody of the child or children in question may be required to pay child support and/or alimony, depending on the situation and the limitations of the divorce.
Laws surrounding child support and alimony vary from state to state, so it is important to discuss this with an experienced family law attorney in the state of Florida.
Also Read:
Same-Sex Marriage and Divorce.
Since same-sex marriages are now legal in several states, however, ironically, Florida is not one of them. Florida couples who get married in another state where same-sex marriages are legal unfortunately aren’t protected under the same rights granted to heterosexual couples and marriages.
As a result, this can pose some legal difficulties for same-sex couples who seek a divorce. All in all, it is important to have knowledgeable legal representation in these cases. The Law Offices of Aliette H. Carolan has the experience necessary to represent same-sex couples in these cases.
The attorney at the Law Offices of Aliette H. Carolan are professional, knowledgeable, and have over ten years of experience in the area of family law including heterosexual and same-sex marriage and divorce, custody arrangements and cases, surrogacy, mediation, paternity, among a number of other areas.
The attorneys and professional legal team at the Law Offices of Aliette H. Carolan are compassionate, understanding, and sympathetic to our clients’ situations. We understand and recognize that many situations surrounding family law can be difficult, overwhelming, stressful, and emotion.
We recognize that no two family situations are alike. Furthermore, in today’s world of diverse family dynamics, we see even more unique cases and treat each one with the same level of dedication and support.
Contact Miami Family Law Attorney
Contact the Law Offices of Aliette H. Carolan today at 305-358-2330 for a free case evaluation and to see how we can help you with your family law situation.