Florida Divorce News and Information

New Beginnings Require Tying Up Loose Ends

family and divorce lawAs your marriage ends and your new life begins, there are several steps you should take to tie up the loose ends of your former life.  Failing to deal with these loose ends won’t make things any easier later, and can lead to unintended consequences.

Update your W-4

Employers rely on the information you provide them in your W-4 form to determine how much income tax to withhold.  Once your marital status, and possibly your child custody status has changed, make certain to change your W-4 to reflect these changes.  Failure to do so may result in your employer withholding too much, or not enough in taxes.  This could lead to unpleasant consequences later. read more

So You Think You’re Ready to Testify. . .3 Tips For Doing it Better

family law attorneysMost family law cases do not require an extensive amount of testimony.  However, sometimes the issues in a family law case, such as a divorce, just cannot be resolved, despite the efforts of the lawyers and the parties.  When that happens, the parties go to court, offer evidence, both in the form of testimony and exhibits, and a judge decides the issues.  This can include some or all of the following:

  • Division of assets
  • Division of debts
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Alimony.

It would be a mistake to presume that since you know all the important facts, you will testify brilliantly. Testimony is unlike anything most people have ever done, and there are some tips that can ensure you will testify better than if you don’t follow these simple rules. read more

Actor Michael Fishman and Wife Choose Separation Over Divorce

Divorce LawyerMichael Fishman is best known for his portrayal of DJ Conner, first on the series “Roseanne,” which ran from 1988 – 1997, and more recently on “The Conners,” a Roseanne re-boot which premiered in 2017.  Married in 1999, he and his wife of nearly 20 years filed for a legal separation in December of 2018.  Fishman was quite candid about the couple’s reasons for choosing separation over divorce.  As with so many couples, it came down to health insurance.  By legally separating rather than divorcing, Jenny is able to stay on Michael Fishman’s health insurance plan.  Of course, this is not always the case. Every couple should carefully read their health insurance policies to determine whether a legal separation disqualifies a spouse from receiving health insurance benefits. read more