Divorcing? Who Gets the Pets?

Miami divorce attorneysIn most states, pets are considered property.  As such, the parties, or the courts, divide up the cats, dogs, fish, and other family pets the same way they divide up the cars, the household goods, and the vacation home.  Pets are just another form of property that must be dealt with in a property settlement.

However, as any pet owner can tell you, pets really truly are part of the family in most cases.  Dividing pets can seem heartless when treating them the same as any other type of property.  However, one state is leading the pack in changing this. read more

I Need a Divorce in Miami. How Long Do I Have to Wait?

Divorce Lawyer in MiamiDissolving a marriage is never an easy thing to do, even if both parties agree that a divorce is what’s best for the family. It’s in everyone’s best interest to finalize the divorce as fast as possible so everyone can move on with the next stage of their life.

Florida does help those who want to get a divorce by streamlining the process. Florida is a no-fault state for divorce, which means couples aren’t required to go through a separation period before filing for divorce. The only requirement is one of the spouses must be a permanent resident of Florida for at a minimum of six months before filing for divorce, or a member of the U.S. armed forces stationed in the state. read more

The Role of Attorneys When Negotiating a Fair Alimony Settlement with Your Spouse

For most people, divorce is a traumatic and often painful experience. While there are some divorces that can begin and end in the span of just a few months, there are others that can drag on for years. Why?

There are several reasons. Some of the most common include:

  • Custody disagreements
  • Assets
  • Money

If you want to file for a divorce, or just thinking about the possibility of putting an end to your marriage, now is the time to begin thinking about what you want out of the settlement. It may also be a good idea to speak with a Florida divorce attorney. read more