Can Men Be Paid Alimony?

Can Men Be Paid Alimony?In a divorce, most assume women receive some form of alimony. But, can men qualify for alimony? As women become more successful in today’s economy, there has been an increase in the number of men receiving alimony from their ex-wives. According to a 2010 Census Bureau survey, 3 percent of those receiving alimony are men.

According to Pew Research, however, 37 percent of married wives make more than their husbands. So why are there so few men receiving alimony? The answer is simple. Men do not want to ask for it. read more

Same Sex Divorces: Is Anything Different?

Same Sex Divorce Lawyer MiamiOn August 21st, 2014, United States District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled Florida’s same-sex marriage ban to be unconstitutional, yet same-sex marriages can’t instantly be performed.

While divorce normally is seen as a negative thing, as a relationship breakdown, it really offers both parties legal protections that they wouldn’t otherwise experience.

As an unmarried couple decides to part ways, it’s typical for both or either of the partners to suffer some type of injustice in the division of debts and assets, especially if they’ve been residing together for a substantial time period. read more

Holidays for Children of Divorce: What Works?

Florida Divorce And HolidaysWhat date does Thanksgiving fall on? What about Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve? What year is this? Who has the children for the holidays?

You will need to dig out those divorce papers and check what year it is, if it is even or odd, and if you get to visit the kids, or if you will be headed to Grandmother’s house without the children. It can all get so confusing!

Therefore, what are you going to do to improve upon split-family living within the holidays?


Communication is important to everything, and the holidays aren’t any exception. Speak with your ex and the kids. Perhaps the every other year arrangement is too confusing. read more