5 Common Financial Conflicts in a Divorce

Divorce Attorney MiamiDivorce isn’t simply couples going their separate ways. In fact, there are many financial repercussions that couples do not realize in the beginning until they have filed and are working through mediation. Whether you are thinking about filing divorce or you are already in the process, here are five common money issues that must be addressed.

A divorce, especially with money involved, can become a sticky situation. While you and your partner may reach an amicable agreement, other cases can require the expertise of a divorce attorney in Miami to ensure your best interests and future are protected. read more

The Divorce Numbers in Florida

Divorce Lawyer Miami 1In 2009, Divorces in the state of Florida were at an all-time low in approximately forty years. However, this changed in 2014. In fact, Florida is the fifth highest state in divorce with over 13.1 percent of residents filing for divorce. But, what is driving higher divorce rates in Florida than other areas of the country?


Divorces often decrease with unemployment simply because couples cannot afford to get divorced while unemployed. However, as the unemployment rates in Florida slowly decrease, the divorce rates also increase. read more

5 Ways to Protect Yourself During a Divorce

Miami Divorce Attorney

Divorces can be messy. Unfortunately, all too often one spouse can be completely shocked by the process as well as the behavior that can come from the other partner.

From going over financial information to dividing assets, there is a lot to consider. There are, however, ways you can protect yourself during a divorce, and more importantly, ways you can ensure your best interests are kept in mind during the process.

Finances During DivorceProtecting Your Finances In A Divorce

Finances are one of the biggest hassles to divide and conquer in a divorce. You may be proactive about your finances during your marriage, but that shouldn’t stop just because you are getting divorced. In fact, you should be more proactive. read more