What You Need to Know in a Surrogacy Agreement

Miami Surrogacy Law AttorneysMany couples who seek out surrogate mothers are blithely aware that often times surrogacy can involve legal representation and legal proceedings.

Today, with the legalization of gay marriage and the advancements in medical technology, surrogacy is more common than it was even a decade ago.

Couples are now able to start or expand their families through assisted reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogacy, and egg or sperm donation and embryo donation is rapidly increasing in popularity. read more

Does A Sperm Donor Equal a Dad?

Does-A-Sperm-Donor-Equal-a-DadAn emerging issue in reproductive law in Florida and throughout the United States is managing the parental rights of sperm donors.

Many sperm donors are no longer anonymous and this triggers the potential for parental rights if the sperm donor, or the mother, wants such rights to exist.

There are approximately 30,000 births every year from donated sperm. The vast majority of sperm donors remain anonymous, but there is a small number of donors who are not anonymous.

And the number of prospective parents are choosing a non-anonymous path. This could partly be due to changing social perceptions about sperm donation and concerns about the health of unknown and anonymous sperm donors. read more